What do I do when I can’t get weight loss medication?

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Author: Roland W. McCallum

There is no doubt that the advent of Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists has transformed the medical treatment of weight loss.

The early trials confirm an average approximate 10% weight loss, and patients report a significant reduction in appetite and suppression of food cravings and bingeing.

However, like late 2022, we are now facing another shortage of GLP-1 receptor agonists. Patients who had been helped in losing weight are losing the benefits due to being unable to obtain these medications, and again fear that their weight will increase.

What should you do if you are concerned that all your hard-earned weight loss is about to come to an end?

These are our suggestions –

  1. Don’t lose heart – you’ve managed to lose weight before and you’ll manage it again even if there are some temporary “bumps in the road.”
  2. See your doctor about alternatives. There are now several drugs that may benefit you or options to adjust your medication dose. Request an appointment for further discussion.
  3. Remember that keeping your weight steady is better than weight going up so change your mind-set and aim for no more than 2kg weight gain! It will be easier to lose when the drugs become available again!

Please don’t give up on your program and weight loss journey. Focus on the things you can control – your activity, intake, healthy sleep habits and getting support for your mental health!

We are in an environment where there will be continuing shortages of highly sought-after medications. There are always other options – please see your weight loss team at Brilliant Being.

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