What are the most common reasons for struggling with weight?

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Author: A/Prof. Roland McCallum

Whatever your story before coming to Brilliant Being, there is no doubt that society shouts that weight problems/obesity is due to YOU.

Many people blame individuals for their weight gain or inability to lose weight. People are described as making bad choices and being lazy. Unfortunately, doctors can do this as well and there is evidence that many patients are put-off and feel shamed about their condition.

At Brilliant Being we do NOT believe that you are responsible for your weight gain. In-fact there is plenty of evidence that shows that it is very difficult for some people to gain weight in the same way that some people seem to gain lots of weight, despite not eating much and exercising lots.

There is good evidence to suggest that approximately 70% of obesity is due to genetics. One of the ways we know this is from early twin-studies that showed that twins adopted to other families did not follow the weight of the families they were now living with, instead they were much more likely to be similar to their genetic twins!

However, we also find that your experiences in life greatly shape your risk of obesity.

For women this is frequently having children and going through the menopause. For many people it is their mental health that leads either directly or through medication to weight gain. For others it’s chronic pain that makes people reduce their activity and using strong painkillers that increases weight. Finally other conditions such as thyroid or steroid problems, asthma, plantar fasciitis, polycystic ovarian syndrome and others that contribute to weight gain.

Whatever your story, please remember that at Brilliant Being we take the science seriously. We know that your weight is a condition that your individual life has brought you to. We always aim to support you to fight your weight gain and will work with you to focus on the factors that are stopping weight loss.

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